Wednesday 29 April 2015

Virgin Money London Marathon 2015 - I did it!!

So you can tell that I wasn't feeling too positive considering that I hadn't blogged since Feb!!! I did have a fab 19 miler in early March but twisted my knee and I was getting fed up of posting negative stuff. 

Anyway, it is the 29th April which means that I have ONLY BLOODY DONE IT!! Below is the review of my race. Hard work, but loved it!

Trying out the outfit!

Well I did it and I still can't believe it! It was a fantastic weekend in London with Mike, from heading to the Expo in the morning to register, to getting tea at 23 miles, then obviously the race. I am not going to lie, it was not easy! I was at a disadvantage as I kept injuring myself so couldn't do as much long distance training as I would wanted to, and that was clear on the run.
Collecting my number at the Exp
We woke up early, to a very soggy and chilly morning, gathered ourselves together and set off towards the Cutty Sark. We travelled with some other runners(Liz, who I left at Lewisham, and the very lovely and massively supportive Jo who I 'picked up' at Lewisham!) and their families and it all felt pretty good. I had to leave Mike at the edge of the start enclosure and I headed off to find the charity and the 'Too Fat to Run' girls that I was looking forward to running with. I found them at the bandstand, just before they were due to meet with the Beeb - why do I always have to speak!! Helen Skelton chatted to us all prior to the interview and I had to put my two pennies worth in and ended up being on the telebox, twice!! Very funny! Result - lots of messages!!

It was all starting to feel very real now, and I was a little nervous but so excited! At about 9.45 and after a loo stop, we headed together to the pens. I have to admit we did cheat and climb over the fences but don't tell anyone! We didn't wait too long in the pens and the excited buzz really got going now. Every so often there was a big cheer that travelled down the lines, brilliant!

And we were off!!
Mike - I can see you!!!

It was good running with the new friends I had made, I felt comfortable and happy. Unfortunately I did loose Jo and Julie after the first couple of miles, but is sounds like they had a good race together. I felt amazing for the first half, running consistently at or faster than the 5 hour pacer. I couldn't get over the amazing support that the crowd gave throughout the whole race. I spent 26 miles thanking people for cheering!! It was pretty busy and I was concentrating on what I was doing so didn't really notice too much what was going on around me, or where I was. I rounded a corner and there was Tower Bridge! Oh gosh, what I sight. It was fabulous. I knew Mike was waiting for me on the other side of Tower Bridge and I desperately wanted to see him. It was starting to get tough and I needed a big hug and an emotional boost! This meant that I had to keep calming myself down as I was getting teary with the expectation. I was across the bridge, now I really started scanning the crowds. Then I saw him, waving madly with the sign that he made at the Expo. I burst into tears!! It was so good to see him!
Cutty Sark

So after a big cuddle and lots of kisses I carried on my way. Between 15 and 20 miles, it was really hard. A battle that is for sure. I was not giving up  but the doubts started flowing. My Garmin was playing up and so I was trying to work out how long I had before I would not be given a medal, trying to guess my pace, trying to work out where I was and how much further I had still to go. I was still thanking people but not as enthusiastically as I was just not able to! Peoples call outs were a little more like 'keep going!' rather that 'Yey, Go Sam! Hey I saw you on the telly!!' . I did use the crowds to keep me going though, engaging with them and getting them to send out a roaring cheer, which got the Goosebumps going! At one point as I was coming back on myself around the Isle of Dogs I saw the machine that was removing the blue line - the cut off!! Thankfully though I was sensible enough to know that it was a good 8 miles behind me, but it was still a shock!

I'm not sure when this was but after not very long I was totally sick of refined sugar and I didn't want anything else at all, but then 2 brilliant things happened, a chap with oranges appeared - wonderful, and then a lady with a box of tiny picnic type sausages was there - oh my gosh I never thought that I would enjoy one of those so much!! This started to cheer me up as I was starting to get a bit concerned about fuel intake. No more sausages appeared but I took advantage of the oranges from then on.

At various points on the course I saw some Run Mummy Run people and some Bliss people so had a little chat. To be honest I was only able to concentrate on my own run so I couldn't afford to spend much time talking to others, but it was nice to see them, especially the RMR cheering point at mile 19!! The few messages that I got during the race were also a big boost. My wonderful friend Helen must have known that I had just stopped in the queue for the loo for example, her perfectly timed message meant that I got on my way without worry!

I was very grateful to have got to mile 20; They were starting to take a long time by then! This was ground breaking for me as I had never gone that far before, but it was also a great time for countdown. I was still finding it incredibly hard but I knew I was nearly there, and I was bloody well going to finish. I was able to run for longer now albeit a loose version of 'running'! I still had it in my head that I was possibly going to miss out on a medal which was silly really - I had prepared my most assertive augment ready for the person that was going to deny me my medal  though!! I had started noticing places again, especially as Mike and I had walked much of this area on the Saturday. For some time I thought I had come through 24 miles, only to come up to the 24 mile marker - doh!!
25 miles, 25 miles, there is it come on....!!!

I got to the end of the road and there was Big Ben! Impressive building, but also getting close to the end of the race. I started welling up again and I had to work hard not to start hyperventilating as I had a t the last Great North Run, which had lead to a panic attack! Amazingly I managed to keep control as I was heading up Horse Guards Parade. Nearly there now, I've done it, I've done it!! I was looking around for someone to hold hands with but people were a little sparse by now!

Through the finish line - I can't believe it - I did it! I heard the tinkle of medals and headed to a lady who put the medal around my next. I was in floods by this point and she gave me a big cuddle.

I can't the people enough that have supported me in the training, dealing with injuries, and with the fundraising. Without you I could not have done it. Will I do it again? I would do it tomorrow :-)
Fish and chips please :-)

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Please let this be a turning point?!

Well it has been so busy with fundraising that I have been able to ignore the pending disaster of injury. However, the Big Bliss Bash is now over (and amazing £1200 raised!) and I have to get to grips with what is happening with me. 

It is a real dilemma. I can't ignore that I have an issue with my leg, but I also have the last two half marathons of my challenge in the next two weeks . Do I run them and potentially risk the marathon, or do I not do them and not achieve the challenge?? Tricky!!

I am not going to be chasing PBs and I will be sensible if I do go ahead with them, even to the point of pulling out if I need to. Lots of stretching and foam rolling maybe. Possibly even an emergency appointment with a physio (please don't say no running....)

No you see why I may not have been publishing posts often!

Anyway, the Big Bliss Bash was brilliant and I can't thank my Mum enough for her support with it! 3 bands and one solo artist, and it was fantastic. So many people helped with posters / leaflets / facebook sharing / providing resources for free etc. As I said, £1200 raised in one evening! Brilliant. This meant t
hat my initial target was smashed and that the next three events will all be in addition to that. Such a relief! I wasn't sure that I could get there but I am very relieved now. 

I have also been out for a 5 miler today - leg aches now but maybe it will be ok......?

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Starts getting tough now!

Today I set my Jantastic targets for Feb and I have realised that it is starting to get serious now! In three weeks I will have completed a run of 17 miles - the longest that I will have ever done. So week one 14 miles, week two 15 miles week three 17 miles, followed by a couple of half marathon races. I have never ran more than 13 miles so this is going to be the start of my big challenges and every week there will be something different for me to do.

So if you read my last Blog, Parkrun Horror, you are probably wondering how the heck I am going to manage this. That is a very good question!! I will manage it because I am bloody minded and if I set myself a challenge, I will achieve it. I will cope with it because last week was a blip (albeit a pretty horrid one!!) and I will get it back, but also because I have the support of my family and friends and because I am doing it for a fantastic charity. It could easily have been us that was in need of support from Bliss and I will never forget that.

As I have said before I certainly don't find running easy which is what makes this challenge even more important to me. Every time I go out I have to battle physical and metal battles but I do it and get one with it. I would love to say that it is getting easier, but at the moment it just isn't. I have had a period of time since October where I have had to get through injury and illness, plus the emotional stress of being made redundant, and raising a large amount of money for the charity. This has all put additional pressure on my running, but I still have every confidence that I will be able to complete the London Marathon in a matter of weeks (12 to be precise!!). Another marathon runner said to me the other day that if we can get through the hardships of motivating and struggling through illness and injury alone during the training sessions, the race will be comparatively easy. I am choosing to believe him at this point! 

Monday 26 January 2015

Parkrun Horror!!

I love Parkrun - I love the concept and I love to be able to go every Saturday and have a 'race' but without the same level of competition and not to have to worry about time etc if you don't want to, but still have the experience of running with a large group of people.

This week, oh my gosh!! Having had a fabulous club run (for me) I was not worried about my run on Saturday. However, it looks like my body had other ideas!! I hadn't had much sleep as I had been preparing 64 cupcakes and 5 large cakes for a cake sale on Friday (another £70 odd into the fundraising pot!), and I was feeling increasingly stressed with the encroaching end of Redundancy period.

So off I set and felt good, for about a quarter of a mile!

The course is undulating with some short steep bits, on paths, grass and mud all of which is pretty draining! As I was heading down the first bit of grass having eventually got to the top of the hill my chest started thumping which was a bad sign. I hadn't been going that quickly! After about 3 quarters of a mile, I knew I was in trouble. I went past the lovely Helen at one of the worse bits of the track and gave her a weak smile 'its too hard', I stammered, whilst contemplating giving up and could I sneak away with nobody noticing. 

Then I walked. I haven't done that before. First lap and a half done. First bursting into tears!

Horrid snotty gasping mess!

More weak smiles as I struggled on past the volunteers. Back down to the football pitch, knackered. Motivation on the floor, hardly moving, cheerers having to wait for ages to start to cheer in case they had to for ages and feeling embarrassed! A few more tears.

Then back past Helen, this time the flood gates open and I can't control it! Bless her, she literally pulls me along, up the hill shouting at me ' if I can do it in wellies.....'  

Ok, top of the hill and I pretty much have got my control back. Bloody hell, there is Adam with the camera, hope he is too busy taking photos of anything else at all!!

Round the corner, dragging myself along. Spot the back markers, glad she had a first timer to look after because that really would have been embarrassing (imagined conversation, 'is this your first run, you are doing great etc' 'oh no' I say 'I'm training for a marathon!')! 

The down hill straight. Don't notice the wind that normally rushes up this bit of hill, I just need to finish and hope that I can get away with it. 

But no - my lovely friends are waiting for me! Helen, Amanda and Allyson are there cheering and running up the hill towards me. Then they are there running back again to the finish, me with more tears and snot everywhere, Helen still shouting about her wellies. Finally it was over. Lots of people talking to me and wanting to make sure I was ok. This is the spirit of the Parkrun, but honestly I hope I don't have to experience it in this way again!!

It is my 10th Parkrun next week - PB??

Thank you to the amazing organisiers and volunteers at Corby Parkrun for a flawless event every time ( and to Desborough Running Club ( and its fab members xxx

Tuesday 20 January 2015


Today was a mixture of a day. 

There is a lot that is going on and I am  aware that it is starting to take a strain. In fact that was my first discovery. I was heading towards a panic attack. Not had one for a very long time and thought I was well clear. It is not going to bite me in the bum this time!

Discovery number 2

Hill training with the running club is not as scary as I first thought it would be. Sure I was slowest but that doesn't make a change!!

Discovery number 3

I am better at hill training than I expected!! Pushing yourself does wonders for your own confidence and certainly gets the endorphins going (piss off anxiety!!).

Discovery number 4 

I love running in the snow - makes me feel proper hard core!!

Discovery number 5 is going to arrive in the morning when I try to get out of bed. If the way I  feel now is  anything to go by I am going to need the rescue services!!

95 days to go #londonmarathon eeeekkkk!!

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Why do I run?

It felt really good on Sunday to get out with the running club (Desborough and Rothwell Running Club - I haven't been out with them for a while due to injury and I was a bit nervous. I have lost quite a bit of fitness and wasn't sure what to expect and how well I would cope.

I was running late and I to drive around to find them (!), my legs ached and I was tired. Very tired. I could see one of my running buddies at the back and she looked like she was struggling a bit. She has been a little flat recently, and struggling with injury. She works bloody hard and is a big inspiration to me and I wanted to give something back. So we ran together with another member of the group. We weren't the fastest but we all supported each other and it felt good. That is one of the reasons that I run!

There has been lots of talk about goals in the last few weeks. I keep setting myself what I consider to be big goals, then decide they are not! So I set a goal to complete a Half Marathon, then it was 3, then it was 5, then it was complete 5 Half Marathons and a Marathon. Now I'm thinking Ultra Marathon, or Tough Mudder or something. 

Hmmmm. none of these challenges are easy for me, I am certainly no lean and fit running machine but does that make them any less valid? I think not! The She Can advert certainly makes that point. So what do you think? What are your challenges for this year? 

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Birthday Run

Woohoo, out on my birthday!!

It was cold, wet, very wet, sleeting, and did I say cold? I did a little trail running, got incredibly muddy, then cleaned off again due to the levels of wet ;-)

I ran the furthest that I have run since my last half marathon in October - a whole 10 miles!!!

I was so very pleased although a little sleepy later. 10 miles is one of those milestones that is really important. It is important mentally - 'wow, I ran 10 miles!'. It is a boost.

Then comes Half Marathon distance as you can add the word Marathon!! I am not sure where the milestone sit after that as I have never got that far! I will be amazed if I get to 14 miles!!

I am looking forward to trying out these longer distances but it is a bit scary.

I did a short run today, just 3 miles but it was great to get out. I am not having the best time at work, and to be able to get some quiet time for reflection is really important and is not often something that is gifted to us. I do think that it makes me a better wife and mother, although I think that Mike will only agree with this once the fundraising is over and I am back to running every so often (although I don't think that this will happen!)

Talking of fundraising, with the amazing support of so many people, my fundraising total has reached £1000 this week. I am so thrilled with this, It is certainly hard when you commit to such a high target. It is stressful and worrying but again with support of many wonderful people I am getting there. Some good events coming up.

Have you all jumped into Jan weight loss. I have. I am putting myself under pressure when should I really just relax and let the running bring its own rewards. I often joke with Mike about being like Del Boy because every year I will get into my Bikini!! This is something that I make myself quite sad with, silly really but not that easy to get away from. Maybe this period of increased activity will start to break down the barriers that I put in the way of sucess